DCG celebrates International Women’s Day
In honor of International Women’s Day in March, DCGers took a moment to nominate women they work with day in and day out, show their peer appreciation, and shine a spotlight on the impactful contributions that inspire them.
Let’s take a look at this year’s DCG women nominees.
Kim Van Wyngaardt
Team(s): Department of State (DOS), Make the Connection (VA), and VHA National Center for Healthcare Advancement and Partnerships (VA)
DCGer Kim Van Wyngaardt
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“Kim is exceptionally caring about her DCG reports, especially about their mental health and stress management,” said DCGer Sloane. “She dedicates time and effort well beyond the requirements to ensure the people reporting to her have what they need not just to succeed on the job, but to maintain their well-being and live life to its fullest.”
“Kim has been an incredible mentor, resource, and friend to so many DCGers! On top of a busy schedule, Kim goes out of her way to check-in on others, mentor and empower team members, and contribute to DCG’s broader company culture through her involvement in the Diversity and Inclusion and Social Media Committees,” said DCGer Courtnie Nolan.
DCG Chief Operating Officer, Caitlin Donovan, also praised Van Wyngaardt in her nomination. “What stands out to me with Kim ‘mama bear’ VW is her commitment to her staff. She’s their biggest cheerleader, advocate, coach and mentor,” said Donovan. “She’s selfless with her time and energy to make sure they have what they need to be successful and happy. She leads with compassion and humor — a winning combo for a leader!”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Sloane: “Kim, you are the first boss I have ever had the privilege of working with who cares so deeply about the health of the people you are working with. You once said your passion is mentoring others and it really shows. You’re a great example to all DCG employees, but especially the women who report you. Thank you!”
Courtnie: “When Kim was my mentor in DCG’s Mentorship Program, she taught me invaluable lessons while also pushing me outside of my comfort zone in the best possible way with support, encouragement, and humor.”
Caitlin: “As a champion of her team, she makes sure I know all about their hard work and accomplishments. And nothing makes Kim happier than her team being rewarded and celebrated — even more than herself! Just wow!”
Hannah Meyer-Petrin
Team(s): Digital GI Bill (VA)
DCGer Hannah Meyer-Petrin
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“While on the PREVENTS contract, Hannah contributed to DCG by overseeing the social media development and implementation,” said DCGer Isabella Diecidue. “Her leadership skills, professional attitude and transparency made all the difference on the contract. As a mentor, Hannah worked with our team to expand our professional development and media skills.”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Isabella: “Hannah, you are an incredible mentor. The advice and knowledge you shared will stay with me forever. I’m so grateful for all the time you spent on my professional development and how you genuinely cared about my wellbeing. Thank you for being a wonderful leader and friend.”
Chelsea Radler
Team(s): DCG Vice President, Department of State
DCGer Chelsea Radler
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“[Chelsea has] too many to name. She managed and contributed to multiple accounts (VA, Census, DHS) and, at the same time, brought a huge Dept. of State portfolio of work to DCG to the tune of millions [of dollars],” said fellow nominee, Kim Van Wyngaardt. “She also always made (and makes) time to help others forge their paths at DCG. Her financial and positive ‘company culture’ contributions to DCG are something to behold!”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Kim: “I would tell Chelsea that I appreciate and respect that she is fair, she is firm, and that she is genuinely invested in DCG and its people. She has had a huge positive impact on me personally and professionally and she is the best manager I have ever had. We are lucky to have her.”
Deena Class
Team(s): DCG Research
DCGer Deena Class
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“Deena makes an impact in every community she is a part of — whether it’s her daughter Amelia’s girl scout troop or a weekly client meeting. She goes above and beyond to contribute — always thoughtfully and intelligently pushing the communities to do and be better,” said DCGer Chiara Albanese. “She provides endless mentorship and guidance to the young researchers on the research team — investing in us to become the best researchers we can be, and produce the highest quality work for our clients. Deena especially shines on the VA accounts where she is the most devoted researcher I’ve ever seen — tirelessly serving the Veterans and caregivers we work for. Everything she does is guided by a strong sense of morals and service and we (DCG) as well as the Veteran community are lucky to have her on this work.”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Chiara: “Deena — thank you for everything you do and are! You are an incredible role model for us to have on the team. You’ve brought a whole new level of meaning and commitment to the work we do and I am incredibly grateful to have you on our team.”
Alissa Lorentz
Team(s): SBA, ORH, USAID
DCGer Alissa Lorentz
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“Alissa is always willing to say YES and help a team member out no matter what,” said DCGer Taylor Starkman. “She’s always available to brainstorm ideas, help during a busy day, and consistently keeps our clients happy with her incredible design work — often helping our clients push the boundaries of their existing brand to take it to the next level.”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Taylor: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a valuable part of our team, a great friend, and a mentor to so many DCGers.”
Ashley Mason
Team(s): Human Capital Services Center
DCGer Ashley Mason
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“Since joining DCG, Ashley has been a champion for women’s empowerment and mental health. She has been open about her own struggles while also being supportive of her teammates and colleagues. When facing difficult clients or situations she has responded with grace and poise, reframing these experiences as learning opportunities,” said DCGers Alli Woodard, Kate Barbin and Taylor Hairston.
“She encourages us to continuously learn, ask questions and be our own advocates. This is not only apparent on our team but in her mentorship with others at DCG. While being straight forward and offering advice when she can, she approaches conversations — especially those with more delicate topics — with empathy and support. Above all, she champions the successes of her colleagues and is supporting a culture where people can be free to be themselves without judgement.”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Alli, Kate & Taylor: “Your determination, ambition and patience is truly an asset to our team and DCG as a whole.”
Audrey McLeod
Team(s): VA Office of Connected Care (OCC), HOPAT IV
DCGer Audrey McLeod
What impactful contributions has your nominee made at DCG or in their community?
“Our OCC team experienced unusually high turnover this year, and Audrey’s contributions enabled the team not to miss a beat. In particular, her work in the training workstream has had impacts and received praise from our partners and clients,” said DCGer Sarah Moran. “Audrey has also lent her talents to the business development team. A quick study, Audrey has supported various elements of the proposal development stage. Lastly, Audrey is currently organizing a ‘Bake for Ukraine’ sale, and 100% of the proceeds will go to the International Rescue Committee.”
“Audrey is an active participant in DCG. She manages her daily duties, joins proposal writing teams, is active in the D&I committee, and so much more,” said DCGer Machaela Netzley. “In her own personal community, Audrey is hosting a bake sale to raise money for Ukraine. She is an incredible woman!”
What would you tell your nominee or what praise would you give them?
Sarah: “A huge thank you and to tell her we are blown away by all she has done — and is doing.”
Machaela: “I would tell Audrey that she is compassionate and driven and that her dedication to DCG and giving back to her community inspires me!”
DCG continues to celebrate women not only in March but every day as our organization is filled with inspirational and go-getter women across our client teams.
DCG celebrates International Women’s Day was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.