DCGers Gather for the Holidays
DCGers from around the country and across the pond (Londoner Chelsea Radler!) came together to celebrate the holidays at three gatherings.
Washington, D.C.
The DMV-area DCGers (and anyone who braved holiday season travel to make their way to D.C.!) convened downtown in the nation’s capital for a celebration of another year of collaboration and success. President and CEO Adam Clampitt raised a toast to longtime and new employees alike for all their tremendous work this year, and DCGers enjoyed taking home goodie bags with some fun company merch.
Des Moines
Who says two isn’t a party? Iowa DCGers Megan and Sydney joined up for a holiday dinner at French restaurant Django in downtown Des Moines. Drinks were had, fancy food was eaten, and friends were made.
Pittsburgh’s DCG crew gathered for happy hour and dinner at Osteria 2350 in the city’s Strip District neighborhood. Over cocktails and delicious Italian food, they chatted about their holiday plans and favorite moments from 2023.
DCGers Gather for the Holidays was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.