DCG and DHS Strike Gold at dotCOMM Awards
Earlier this year, DCG and DHS came together to create both the Consequences to Irregular Migration video and Blue Campaign Super Bowl ads. Both of these impactful campaigns have been declared as 2024 Gold dotCOMM Award recipients! These awards honor excellence in web creativity and digital communication as well as spotlights the role of creatives in the dynamic, constantly evolving web. Check out our award-winning work below:
The Consequences to Irregular Migration Campaign Video
Entering the United States in irregular ways can result in no eligibility for asylum or the Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans/CHNV process. Those who are removed from the United States could also be barred from returning for up to five years. Our short informational video provides quick facts about the consequences of not using lawful pathways to enter the United States.
Blue Campaign Super Bowl Ads
The Super Bowl is one of the largest human trafficking events in the United States each year, thus it is critical to share messaging and information in and around the event. Working with DHS, we launched both digital and out-of-home ads geared primarily toward people who work in known industries that have had human trafficking cases. We also launched digital ads on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and display placements targeting football fans both in Las Vegas (location of the game) and the home cities/states of the National Football League playoff teams. Combined, these ads drove over 39 million impressions and 577,100 visits to the custom Blue Campaign Super Bowl landing page, which accounted for 76% of all site visits to the Blue Campaign pages during the ad flight dates.
Congrats to our teams for their success with these impactful and informational campaigns!
DCG and DHS Strike Gold at dotCOMM Awards was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.