DCG Celebrates PR News Platinum Award Finalists, DHS and DOT!
The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) If You See Something, Say Something® and National Human Trafficking Prevention Month — Anti-Trafficking Symposium as well as The Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA’s) Your Roads, Their Freedom campaigns have recently been announced as finalists for three categories of the 2024 PR News Platinum Awards!
For over two decades, the Platinum Awards have been hailed as the most coveted and competitive award in the communications space. The winners of this world-renowned recognition represent the best of the best — those that have reached the pinnacle of both innovation and industry knowledge.
Strategy, Creativity and Events | Crisis Management Campaign Finalist: If You See Something, Say Something®, DHS
If You See Something, Say Something® is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the signs of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and how to report suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement. DCG has been a partner in this project since 2020 and has successfully spread awareness through several paid media campaigns and engagement tactics. DCG supported the campaign’s partnership growth with the private and public sector by cobranding with valuable partners and supporting in-person and virtual events. The campaign’s marketing strategies have made the If You See Something, Say Something® webpage one of the top five most visited pages across the DHS website.
Strategy, Creativity and Events | Event PR/Marketing Campaign Finalist: National Human Trafficking Prevention Month — Anti-Trafficking Symposium, DHS
The National Human Trafficking Prevention Month — Anti-Trafficking Symposium took place January 25–26, 2024 to raise awareness about human trafficking and to educate the public about how to identify and prevent this crime. Since 2016, DHS and DCG have been working together on Blue Campaign, a program designed to educate the public, law enforcement, and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.
Community, Purpose and Sustainability | Cause-Related Marketing: Your Roads, Their Freedom, DOT FMCSA
The Your Roads, Their Freedom campaign seeks to raise awareness of human trafficking in the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry. This effort aims to educate and empower CMV drivers and other transportation-industry employees to recognize the signs of human trafficking and report the crime to authorities. Together, DOT FMCSA and DCG conducted research about CMV drivers and federal agency human trafficking prevention and awareness campaigns and consulted with human trafficking survivors to build a robust campaign that spoke directly to CMV drivers while being grounded in best practices and respectful language and imagery.
Award winners will be announced on at The Platinum Awards Gala on October 8, 2024 at The Lighthouse in New York City. More information about the awards and finalists can be found at the PR Platinum Awards site.
Congrats to all our teams on their success with these impactful campaigns! We wish them luck going forward in their PR News Platinum Award categories!
DCG Celebrates PR News Platinum Award Finalists, DHS and DOT! was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.