DCG Gives Staffers Extra Vacation Day
As a result of their hard work, DCGers received a bonus vacation day on March 4.
In honor of DCG Recharge Day, the company closed so DCGers could take an unexpected break and relax. Because the extra day off was on a Friday, all employees got a three-day weekend.
DCGers Get Social with Their Day Off
From lazy lunches to well-deserved pampering to spending time with friends, family, and pets, DCGers took to social media to share what their day off looked like.
Alissa Lorentz shared her schedule for the day.
Harlie Yeldezian started her yoga retreat early.
Jill Alarcon took her kiddoes to Nickelodeon Universe.
Sydney Anderson slowed down and took some time for herself.
Alex Keckeisen went for a bike ride in the sun.
Kim Van Wyngaardt toasted to an extra day off.
Kim also cooled off with her fur baby Carlos.
Tom McCuin took a break from client work.
Caitlin Donovan and Adam Clampitt enjoyed a hike.
DCG Gives Staffers Extra Vacation Day was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.