DCG Wins 31 New Contracts
August and September aren’t just about squeezing in late summer beach trips and prepping for back-to-school — they’re also our busiest months of the year: Proposal Season.
We rolled up our sleeves, hit the ground running, and successfully secured 31 contracts across 6 incredible government agencies in FY24:
- The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- The United States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- The Small Business Administration
- The United States Department of State
- The Millennium Challenge Corporation
We’re incredibly proud of every DCGer who brought their unique expertise (and their A-Game!) to the proposal process. DCG wouldn’t be where it is today without the incredible talent and diligence of our collective whole.
As we kick off the new fiscal year, we are fired up for what’s ahead and excited to share some of our new ventures:
Veterans’ Health Administration (VHA): National Neurology Clinical Program
VHA’s National Neurology Clinical Program is responsible for the development of policies, clinical operations, and implementation of national initiatives related to the delivery of specialty care enterprise wide. Their mission includes ensuring data-driven, outcome-oriented, and resource-efficient oversight for continuous operational improvement. However, the VA’s National Neurology Program Office (NPO) is currently facing a shortage of administrative and operational personnel, which poses a potential risk to the quality of care provided to Veterans.
To address these challenges, DCG will partner with Trilogy Federal to optimize the operations of the NPO, supporting the communications aspect of the contract. Our role includes SharePoint support, strategic communications, video production, graphic design, town hall support, and more. We are so excited to kick things off!
DHS: Invent2Prevent (I2P), Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) Student Innovation Lab
The prevalence of targeted violence among youth is a growing concern in the United States. Recent data shows that the majority of the deadliest mass shootings were carried out by individuals 21 years of age or younger. This trend is alarming and underscores the urgent need for targeted violence prevention resources that are both curated for and accessible to youth.
DHS CP3 launched I2P to support this mission. I2P’s Student Innovation Lab Program is an experiential learning program that empowers students to design and implement creative solutions to prevent targeted violence, hate, and terrorism in their communities. I2P provides them with a practical and hands-on chance to proactively contribute to the issues impacting their schools and local communities.
In collaboration with Media Fusion, DCG will drive awareness of I2P through the implementation of a strategic communications and marketing strategy. Additional initiatives include the development and facilitation of the Student Innovation Lab, administrative support, event management, program management and reporting. The diverse products developed, refined, and placed as part of this effort will bolster the shared responsibility of DHS and its stakeholders in confronting this profound issue. Let’s be a resource for today’s youth and make a difference in our communities. We are honored to support such a significant cause.
DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Strategic Plan
The DOT’s Strategic Plan is a roadmap for how the DOT FMCSA will implement a once-in-a-generation investment to create a transportation system that works for every American. The strategic plan outlines the agency’s vision, goals, and key initiatives for the next five years.
DCG is partnering with DOT FMCSA to facilitate the rollout and successful implementation of the plan. Our support will include:
- Project management
- Communications planning
- Internal and external communications
- Outreach products development
- Creative development
- Video development
We are on board to support plans to repair, rebuild, and modernize our transportation systems! As we embark on these transformative projects, we’re excited to shape the future together. Our mission to create lasting change for the organizations and communities we serve continues. Let’s make a difference.
DCG Wins 31 New Contracts was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.