Goodbye, Summer: A Recap on DCG’s Wellness-Focused Season
The days feel longer. Energy is up. We can all agree we feel like our best selves in the summertime. That’s why DCG invited team members to participate in the annual Summer Wellness Series. Over five weeks, DCGers participated in a variety of different challenges that narrowed in on a range of wellness themes.
Participating team members submitted their entries with anecdotes and photos of how they conquered the weekly challenge. A winning submission was chosen each week for a $50 prize to be added to their annual wellness benefit. Those who completed and submitted an entry for every weekly challenge entered a drawing for the grand prize of an added $250 to their wellness benefit at the end of the series.
A wellness benefit is a perk DCG offers its employees that includes an annual stipend to use for fitness equipment, counseling services, or a wide range of services or products that fall under the umbrella of all things wellness. This unique benefit is designed to support a personalized way of meeting the needs and recognizing the interests unique to each employee.
The first week of the series kicked off with a physical challenge. DCGers were encouraged to share how they were active in a variety of creative ways. Challenge winner and Senior Research Associate, Rachel Martin shared how she put in a week’s worth of sweat and muscle work into renovating her new home.
Rachel Martin working on renovations in her new home during week one of the Summer Wellness Series.
The second week of the challenge was all about financial wellness. During this week, participants looked at available resources, such as podcasts, books, and/or webinars, to reflect on budgets, identify goals, and learn more about saving and investing.
The next week focused on gratitude as a form of spiritual well-being. Participants were challenged to identify people, moments, or things they were grateful for. Over 20 submissions ranging from pets and friends to work accomplishments and life accomplishments, DCGers were reminded of how much there is to be grateful for and the benefits practicing gratitude can bring to one’s overall well-being.
To tackle the fourth week theme of mental wellness, challengers were to reduce nonessential screen time and use time away from digital devices on more fulfilling and nourishing activities. Through the weekly entries, DCGers shared the different ways they were more intentional with their time and the new hobbies they leaned into, such as reading, crocheting, and hiking. DCG Graphic Designer, Kylie Willet shared about her adventure to a park with her dog:
“A wonderful time to relax and recharge away from technology and the city. It’s amazing how a few small things like this can make you feel more energized!”
Kylie Willet exploring Wissahickon Park with her dog.
To close out the series, the last week focused on environmental wellness and taking care of personal space through organization and decluttering. Whether that meant being environmentally conscious through thrifting or donating, repurposing items that were taking up space, or just organization of personal items, DCGers shared their tips and tricks to feeling lighter by letting go. Communications and Event Specialist, Lily Richardson shared how her family donated clothes, shoes, bags, and linens in order to organize her closets.
Lily Richardson shares her new and improved organized closet.
People are the heart of DCG, and encouraging personal wellness is a core value of the company. Making wellness not only a priority, but a community event is exactly what the annual Summer Wellness Series has succeeded at year after year. Over five weeks, DCGers showed up for themselves and their wellness and were able to share their stories with others.
As summer comes to a close, team members can now roll into the cool fall weather and seasonal activities feeling refreshed and reenergized and reap the benefits that come with self-care.
Congratulations to the following challenge winners for their success in this year’s wellness themes:
- Week 1: Rachel Martin
- Week 2: Jenni Hodges Bakane
- Week 3: Parker Kim
- Week 4: Alli Woodard
- Week 5: Amie Lopus
- Grand Prize: Oriana Portnoj
Goodbye, Summer: A Recap on DCG’s Wellness-Focused Season was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.