Motherhood + a full-time job — How I found a great balance
Motherhood + a full-time job — How I found a great balance
It’s hard to describe motherhood, but I can tell you exactly what it is not. Motherhood is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it rarely turns out to be what you expected.
The year before I became a mother, I had separated from active duty, joined the Air National Guard, and became a full-time student at Old Dominion University. There was a lot of change happening in my life, and in the midst, I learned my husband and I were expecting our first child. We were over the moon about our surprise, and as I went through finishing my degree, I dreamed of what motherhood would look like for me.
I thought I would immediately go to work after my son was born, but things didn’t end up working out that way. I was a full-time stay-at-home mom that served one drill weekend a month. It was during this time I began to miss the active-duty life. I missed working every day to accomplish a mission. I knew I had an important mission at home, but sometimes it can be hard to see the precious things that are right in front of our eyes.
When I finally did begin my first private-sector job, my son was two, and I was excited to start the new chapter of my life. Surprisingly, I found that season to be extremely difficult, disillusioned by the private workforce and long hours away from my son. After a few years, I once again found myself at home, welcoming two children in a two-year time span. During that time, I separated from the Air National Guard, convinced my days of accomplishing the mission were over. The experience I had in the military of meaningful work would never be found again.
Then DCG came into my life. I was invited to be part of a talented team that works for VA’s Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention’s Suicide Prevention Program. Every day, I help develop Veteran suicide prevention materials and resources to share with Veterans and their loved ones.
DCG allows me to accomplish a mission worth fighting for on a daily basis, while encouraging me to be the best mom I can be. Moms know the tough balancing act that can take place while having a full-time job, but DCG has made it possible for me to achieve. I am encouraged to log off when the workday is done, there is no shame when my kids are sick or need to see the doctor. I’m also able to have my kids watched at home, so when I take a break from work, I get to see their (sometimes) smiling faces. Because my teammates know my kids are a huge part of my life, they always ask how my kids are and to see pictures.
I am so grateful to have found DCG and have the privilege to be a part of a team that works toward a mission worth fighting for, while accomplishing my important mission at home.
Motherhood + a full-time job — How I found a great balance was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.