DCG and APAA Honor Donald Nathan Carr Memorial Scholarship Recipients
Earlier this year, DCG had the honor of becoming a founding sponsor of the Donald Nathan Carr Memorial Scholarship Program, which provides five members of the Army Public Affairs Association (APAA)/Visual Information community with $500 each to pursue professional education in communications, helping to enhance their careers in service to the Army and the nation.
As a veteran-owned communications firm, we fully recognize the importance of supporting professional development in this community. By contributing, we aim to empower emerging leaders in public affairs and communications, enabling them to refine their skills and advance their careers.
Amanda Azubuike, Army Chief of Public Affairs, addresses the assembled members of the Army Public Affairs Association on the Don Carr Memorial Scholarship Awards.
Donald Nathan Carr was known for his determination and success in making the Army’s newspaper and command information programs world class. Carr also equally emphasized continuous professional development in all areas of public affairs. His dedication ensured generations of public affairs and visual information specialists were “the best that they could be.”
He retired from a lifetime of official service to America after more than 42 years combined service as an APAA leader — an Army master sergeant and Department of the Army civilian. To honor his legacy, the APAA established the Donald Nathan Carr Memorial Scholarship for Public Affairs Excellence, ensuring that his commitment to excellence in public affairs continues to inspire future generations.
Our team would like to wholeheartedly congratulate the incredible scholarship recipients and wish them the very best as they embark on their academic and professional paths.
Note: Individuals/organizations can also contribute to making this scholarship program grow. Anyone interested in making a donation to the Donald Nathan Carr Scholarship for Public Affairs Excellence may do so in any amount through the website at the Donations tab.
DCG and APAA Honor Donald Nathan Carr Memorial Scholarship Recipients was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.