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DCG Deets: Meet Kevin J. Thiphavong, Research Associate

This series gives you the chance to get to know some of our DCGers better! This DCG Deets blog features Kevin J. Thiphavong.

Name: Kevin J. Thiphavong

Role at DCG: Research Associate

Hometown: San Diego, California

Male backpacker on a hike standing in front of Half Dome rock in Yosemite

Kevin at Yosemite National Park on the way to Half Dome

What is your ‘why’? How does DCG connect with that?

My “why” is to be able to help underrepresented communities through research and advocacy. At DCG, I support various projects, from Veterans to anti-human trafficking. The work at DCG allows me to support stakeholders who in turn provide information and support services to underrepresented communities (e.g., Veterans and human trafficking victims).

What was the turning point where you had to get the job?

I knew I had to get this job after completing my interview with the lead researcher for the projects that I would be supporting. The “interview” felt a lot more like a conversation between two colleagues trying to get to know each other. Our interview was scheduled for 30 minutes, but we ended up speaking for about an hour!

What is your favorite part of your role?

My favorite part of my role is analyzing findings from our research and talking through my findings with my peers.

What are your life passions?

Autism advocacy. My youngest daughter is autistic and advocacy and promoting awareness is very important to me.

Lifelong learning. I love to learn, which is probably why research is so intriguing to me. I learn new things every day!

Making memories with my family!

Man smiling and wearing a graduation gown standing outside an academic building with his young daughter on his shoulder

Kevin and his youngest daughter, London

What are your favorite outside-of-work activities or hobbies?

I enjoy cooking and listening to true crime podcasts/shows and playing video games every now and then. I also enjoy being outdoors and used to hike a lot and hoping to get back into more outdoor hobbies.

Man and his wife smiling in the sunshine and posing outside a historic building in Budapest

Kevin and his wife, Bre, in Budapest

Where’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?

I love traveling and it is really hard to pick just one place that is my favorite!

Yosemite National Park for places in the U.S.

Budapest, Hungary, for international.

DCG Deets: Meet Kevin J. Thiphavong, Research Associate was originally published in DCG Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.



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